Wishcasting Wednesday

Over at Jamie Ridler Studios, this weeks Wishcasting Wednesday question is what do you wish to read?

My answer for this is simple: my novel, published. I have spent so long writing this story, and I would love to sit curled up on a comfy chair on a rainy day, a pot of tea at the ready, reading my own creation. I imagine the feel of the crisp pages, the small smile of delight that would come from running my fingers over the cover, tracing my name and revelling in it. My creation, my words, my story given form and freed into the world.

As I would read, I would remember. I'd grin to remember how easily one section flowed, as though I were the helpless hand to some greater power's words. I'd shake my head in recollection at just how much blood, sweat and tears went into another section, how it took over a month just to get that tiny, seemingly inconsequential piece just so. I would roll my eyes at a part that, in retrospect, seems a little cheesy, or a word I'd been so in love with at the time of writing that now fills me with a sense of chagrin. Even so, I'd love it dearly, and embrace it as dear friend.

I imagine the taste of the tea, warm and comforting but barely noticed as I read. I would probably go through multiple pots, forgetting they existed until they were cold and only then realising I was thirsty. Still, even as I know how it ends, even as I know every twist and turn as though they're the roads surrounding my home, I'd be reluctant to put the book down. I'd want to read it through the eyes of someone new, someone who is simply enjoying the story rather than picking it apart.

I imagine the odd rumble of thunder as I near the end of the story, the way I snuggle into a blanket in the cold weather, my eyes still glued to the pages. And finally, I imagine shaking myself from the stupor of a finished book, grinning to realise that I love the story all the more for one final read through.

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Yvonne said...

This sounds beautiful! As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also!

Ginny said...

I love your wish. I was right there with you reading every word of your just published book. Your post flowed so nicely that I can't help but think your novel would be a best seller.

As Phoenix wishes for herself, I wish for her as well.

Mare/TommyGirl said...

This is so vivid and wonderful! As you wish for yourself, so I truly wish for you also! (And I can't wait to read your book!)

Ceanne said...

Good for you! One of my dreams one day is to write a book--whether no one else reads it or not.

As you wish for yourself, I also wish for you!!

Anonymous said...

Great wish! Enjoy it.

As you wish for yourself, so do I wish for you as well!

aprilmariecole.blogspot.com said...

What a wonderful wish!
As you wish for yourself, I wish for you as well. :]

erinrichardson said...

As you wish for yourself, so do I wish for you as well.

Gayle said...

*snuggles in my own blanket* will you read it to me? <3 G!

As you wish for yourself, so do I wish for you as well.

Keepapi Creative said...

oooh how exciting! As you wish for yourself, I wish it too. Jacs x

Kim Switzer said...

Oh my gosh, your vision is so beautiful. I felt as if I was there with tea and blanket, reading. As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you as well.

Grammy said...

I would love to read your book too. : )
As you wish for your self. I also wish deeply for you.

Sandy V said...

What a wonderful vision you have down to every last detail! As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you!

Lucy Ladham-Dyment said...

Sounds like a qood wish list. As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.

Her Speak said...

I can see it! You described it beautifully. As Phoenix wishes, so I wish also!

Much Joy~*

phoenix said...

Thank you all so much for the wonderful comments and well wishes. It was a lovely way to start a day, to come on and see so much positivity.

Have a great day!

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